As we strive to attain our vision and mission to educate the whole child, Walnut Creek Christian Academy aims to produce graduates with a Christian worldview who meet developmentally-appropriate expectations as…
W - Well Equipped Christians who
- Demonstrate a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Savior
- Know, understand, and apply God’s Word as the authority and standard for all areas of life – spiritual, social, mental, and physical
- Understand that their purpose in life is to glorify God and impact their world for Him
- Exhibit an increasing ability to articulate and defend their faith
C - Critical Thinkers who
- Identify worldview assumptions and presuppositions, discern the truth based on Scripture, and apply biblical wisdom to daily life
- Understand, apply, analyze, and evaluate information
- Employ higher-level thinking skills to create sound, independent thoughts or products
- Utilize logical and effective problem solving strategies and decision making skills
C - Capable Communicators who
- Interact with others in a Christ-like way, utilizing the Matthew 18 principle and the Young Peacemakers program to resolve conflict Biblically
- Demonstrate the interpersonal skills necessary to work cooperatively in both leadership and supporting roles in diverse situations
- Read, write, speak, and listen effectively and critically
- Gather, organize, assimilate, and effectively communicate pertinent information through speaking, writing, and technology
A - Academic Achievers who
- Exhibit self-discipline and responsibility for their own actions and learning, setting and achieving realistic goals
- Demonstrate a desire to learn and to pursue excellence in all endeavors to the glory of God
- Create quality intellectual, artistic, practical, and physical products
- Possess the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, and academic competencies for future success in school and in life