Primary PE
The benefits of healthy living, including daily exercise, are introduced to our kindergartners through second graders in the classroom first. Students participate in traditional P.E. classes twice a week and are encouraged to engage in interactive play during three recess periods each day. In addition, teachers incorporate weekly physical activities that promote teamwork, game-playing skills, gross motor skills, and hand-eye coordination into their classes.
Intermediate PE
Beginning at third grade, students attend three formal P.E. classes each week that begin with teacher-led warm-ups to promote good exercise habits. Other activities include everything from jogging around the WCCA field to learning the basic rules for such games as basketball, hockey, kick ball, and baseball.
Classroom curriculum becomes more intense as students are introduced to nutrition and health concepts in fourth and fifth grades, with fifth graders participating in a police-department-run program that promotes self-esteem and anti-drug messages.
All intermediate department students are introduced to the concept of physical fitness testing, sanctioned by the U.S. Government and used in schools as the litmus test for encouraging individual physical fitness.
Junior High PE
We at Walnut Creek Christian Academy see physical education as an important part of the overall curriculum; as important, but not more so than any of the other academic areas. This view provides for a “balanced” curriculum, which in turn helps to produce “balanced” students.
The physical education department of W.C.C.A. desires to help our students understand that, as Christians, our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit. These temples are a blessing from God and we have a responsibility to be good stewards. The department seeks to encourage students to first accept themselves as special creations of God and then to see that God’s will for them is to use their “temples” for His honor and glory. As we seek to become slaves for Christ, we must insure that we do not become slaves to our bodies.
The physical education department will provide activities for students to learn about their bodies and physical activities, develop psychomotor skills, learn to appreciate fitness and recreational activities, and develop social skills (character traits) through friendly competition.
Physical education classes are held daily beginning at 2:00 p.m. until 2:50 p.m. (7th period). Students who score below 60% for a semester will be required to complete a summer school program.
Interscholastic athletics are not separate from the physical education class. It is firmly held in the department that interscholastic athletics are an important part of the total physical education curriculum, just as science fairs and speech meets are enrichment activities of the science and English departments.
Because of the opportunity that our interscholastic athletics provide, our Christian athletes have a unique opportunity to share their talents with the world in a way pleasing and honoring to God. Beyond that, the Christian athlete can experience a new quality of life base upon a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This new quality of life can be enjoyed if the athlete will rely upon the power of the Holy Spirit and participate with an awareness of God’s will for his/her life.
Success for the Christian athlete is the confidence that comes from knowing that he did his very best to glorify God with his actions.
Note: Additional information can be found in the PHYSICAL EDUCATION HANDBOOK. The booklet is to be read and understood by both student-athletes and their parents. A signature form (PE Handbook Acknowledgement form) is included with the booklet and is distributed on the first day of school.
Junior High Health
Seventh period health is taught in one or two week units during each of the four quarters. While one grade level has health, the other two grade levels have physical education. Progress reports for health will follow within one week of the unit’s completion. A separate health grade will appear on the students quarterly Progress Report (Report Card). The textbook used for this class is Health in a Christian Perspective by ABeka Books.