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They will soar on wings like Eagles... Isaiah 40:31

Our Overall Goal

The average fifth grader is ten years old and on the brink…about to leave elementary school and enter the changing world of junior high.  Students will soon begin to experience changes in body, values, and ability. 

WCCA feels strongly that at the end of fifth grade, our students need to be firmly grounded for what lies ahead, so there is a strong emphasis on developing a solid command of the “basics.”  Our goal is to give our fifth graders a well-rounded mixture of skills they will use and need, presented to them in an interesting and “palatable” manner!

Curriculum Basics

Bible-Positive Action for Christ
-God’s Miracle Book
-Sin & Redemption
-God’s Concern for Order

Language Arts-McGraw Hill Wonders
-Word Analysis-Greek & Latin Roots
-Parts of Speech
-Comprehension Skills
-Prefix & Suffixes
-Formulating Questions
-Writing-Persuasive Letter

Math-BJU Press
-Positive & Negative Numbers
-Fractions & Decimals
-Perimeter & Area
-Expressions & Equations

Science-BJU Press
-Ecosystem & Interactions Within It
-Minerals and Rocks

Social Studies-BJU Press
-Years of Discovery & Exploration
-The Thirteen Colonies
-The Great Awakening
-Events Leading to Revolutionary War



8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.
One 20-minute Recess
Language Arts

11:15 a.m. to Noon
Lunch and Recess

Noon to 2:50 p.m.
Social Studies
Enrichment Activities