Is your child ready for kindergarten? Our kindergarten teachers will administer a basic kindergarten assessment, but we also suggest looking at the following checklist. Your child should be able to -
- Pay attention for 10-15 minutes to adult-directed tasks
- Listen to stories without interrupting
- Understand actions have both cause and effect
- Hold a pencil properly and show some understanding of printing name and copying shapes
- Speak clearly and in complete sentences
- Follow rules
- Identify some letters and numbers
- Identify colors
Our Overall Goal
Kindergarten is one of the many milestones in the life of your child, and we are privileged to be considered as the teachers who will introduce your child to school.
The WCCA kindergarten is a safe, nurturing place for a child to grow academically, spiritually, socially, and physically. It is our goal that your child has a successful, confidence-building year, developing a love of learning that will be the foundation for future school success.
Curriculum Basics
-Old Testament-Jonah, Noah, Abraham, etc.
Language Arts-Handwriting Without Tears/McGraw Hill Wonders
-Letter Names
-Letter Sounds
-Blending Words
Math-BJU Press
-1-10 sets of Objects
-Clocks-Telling Time to Hour
-5 Senses
Social Studies
-Pilgrims and Indians
-Community Helpers
8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. Daily
Opening Exercises
Social Studies
Two Recesses
11:15 a.m. to Noon Daily
Lunch and Recess
Noon to 2:50 p.m. Daily
Story Time
Nap (first half of year)
Learning Centers (second half of year)
Individual Choice Time
One Recess