WCCA's 10,000+ volume library includes a wide array of resource materials, fiction and non-fiction books, and numerous audio-visual materials. Overseen by our full-time librarian, the entire collection is accessible via a computer cataloging system that includes an automated procedure for checking out and tracking books.
All students have access to a fully equipped computer lab, complete with filtered internet access, which is overseen by our qualified computer teacher.
Primary and intermediate students spend one to two days per week in a computer lab class where they become familiar with numerous programs that further enhance their math and language skills. In addition, students learn keyboarding skills and software applications as they become more prepared for today's world of technology.
Junior High students enrolled in electives such as computer and yearbook utilize the computer lab. Also, junior high teachers will periodically take students to use the computer lab for core subject classes.
Our music teacher holds weekly music education classes for all primary and intermediate students that include instruction in music theory and basic concepts for reading music. In each grade, students put their skills to practical use as they learn to play a variety of musical instruments. Kindergarten and first grade students play rhythmic instruments; second graders play hand bells; third graders play the flutophone; and fourth and fifth graders play the recorder. The ultimate purpose is for students to be able to play a simple melody line, such as an easy American folk song or hymnal. The music teacher also conducts a junior high choir or string ensemble, assisting them with performances on and off campus throughout the year.
One of our Jr. High elective choices are Choir/Guitar. This class teaches basic music theory, choral and individual performance skills, and music appreciation. The students also learn how to play the guitar.
The music and drama department put on three productions a year, which involve most primary and intermediate students, as well as the Jr. High choir. The annual Christmas program showcases the talents of our intermediate students and Jr. High choir as they perform a drama that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. The evening Spring Concert features our primary choir, string ensemble, and Jr. High choir, as well as individual performances from all grade levels, celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our Grandparent's Day event features songs and poems that honor our special guests.
Our Spanish teacher meets with each grade (K-5) once per week to teach the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and basic conversational language skills. In the upper intermediate grades, students also use an online language program called Duolingo which tests their vocab and sentence structure skills as well as their pronunciation.
Our art teacher also holds weekly art education classes for all primary and intermediate students that include instruction in the area of color, line, shape, texture, and more. In each grade, students work on art projects that develop their skills as an artist. Jr. High students have the option of taking an art class as an elective.
*These classes may be taught only as junior high electives.