Our Overall Goal
Second graders are enthusiastic and curious about their world! Their reading skills dramatically improve, as they become independent readers. Small motor skills are refined. Desiring structure, they function best in an orderly classroom with predictable procedures.
Specifically, the Academy’s second-grade curriculum goals are to promote reading independence, strengthen mathematical problem-solving skills, develop critical thinking skills, and instill Christian character traits that are “others centered.”
Curriculum Basics
-Character Traits
-Biblical figures that represent traits
-Positive/Negative Peer Pressure
Language Arts-McGraw Hill Wonders
-Reading to Comprehend
-Writing in Various Genres
-Grammar Basics
-Spelling Patterns
Math-BJU Press
-Place Value to 1,000
-Regrouping (Renaming or Borrowing)
Science-BJU Press
-Animal Classification\ Habitats\ Lifecycle
-Matter & Motion
-Human Body-Functions & Health
Social Studies-BJU Press
-Our Country’s Beginnings
-Our Patriotic Heritage